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Abstract Topic: Disaster Management

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Building Disaster Prepared Village Communities in Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction in Sumurup Village Bendungan District Trenggalek City
Rizkyah Isnaini

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Rizkyah Isnaini

Postgraduate School of Airlangga University in Airlangga street Number 4 - 6, Airlangga, Gubeng, Surabaya City, East Java

The research describe the reality of people-s life who have low awareness of natural disaster response. The problem arises in community is the lack of public awareness in tackling and dealing with disaster, the system of disaster response and emergency response has not yet been established, and the absence of village government policies that focus on landslide management. The purpose of this empowerment is to find a strategy in the development of a resilient natural disaster community in order to be more independent to repair disasters in Sumurup Village. The mentoring research was conducted using PAR (Participatory Action Research) method. PAR is designed to conceptualize a change and make changes to it. Steps to move the community through initial mapping, building humanitarian relations, determining the research agenda for social change, participatory mapping, determining humanitarian issues, strategizing the movement, organizing the community, reflecting and expanding the scale of movement and support. Assistance carried out by researchers with the community is to make changes in the education-s form and landslide risk reduction training to provide a basic understanding of disaster risk reduction by making disaster-prone maps. And disaster simulation training is accompanied by the determination of the evacuation route, and the installation of danger signs to be the initial clue in rescuing during natural disasters. In addition, by advocating for village government policies to create funding rules for disaster management. By completing the activities that have been carried with the community, it embodies the strong attitude and independent society in facing natural challenges. From these activities have resulted good increase and change in community capacity, especially for communities affected directly by disasters in landslide risk reduction.

Accompaniment; Disaster risk reduction; Landslide

Disaster Management


I Made Arie Widyasthana Wartana Putra (a*), Panji Windu Arista (b)

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I Made Arie

Magister Faculty of Social and Politic Science Airlangga University

This study identifies how collaborative governance in reducing disaster risk in Pondok Agung Village. This involves the role of the government that implements anticipatory policies with the people who participate in the policy. This type of research is descriptive qualitative where the data collection uses primary data, namely interviews and secondary data obtained from documents analyzed using condensation data, presentation of data, and conclusions. The technique of determining the informants used purposive and then used the snowball technique. The problems that occur in the village include eruptions and rain lava floods and the problem of illegal sand mining on the Konto river which is caused by the geographical location of Desa Pondokagung. Observing this phenomenon, it takes the role of the three stakeholders namely, the government, society, and NGOs to overcome this problem which is manifested by various collaborative governance models implemented by the Village Government of Pondokagung and Jangkar Kelud. The results obtained in this study are the policies and strategies implemented by the government to anticipate disasters in Pondokagung Village by involving community and NGO participation in the perspective of Collaborative Governance in collaboration with Kelud Kelud, Government Socialization through Destana, Cold Lahar Flood Contingency and increased capacity community through CBDRM.

Colaborative Governance, Society Participation, Public Policy.

Disaster Management


Disaster Risk Reduction of Landslide by Establishing Community Preparedness Based on the Group of Arisan Rt in Depok Village Bendungan Districts of Trenggalek City
Nina Awalia Safitri

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Nina Awalia Safitri

Postgraduate School of Airlangga Univercity, in Airlangga Street number 4-6 Airlangga, Gubeng, Surabaya City, East Java Indonesia

This research discusses the efforts of disaster risk reduction (DRR) of landslide in Depok Village. The objective of landslide DRR like step to increase capacity and reduce the vulnerability of communities in dealing with and managing disasters and there impacts. Factors in the absence of education on DRR, lack of initiation in the formation of DRR groups and the lack of policy advocacy on the implementation of DRR programs by the village government are at the root of the mapped problem. This research and advisory approach uses PAR (Particpatory Action Research) method. PAR is a collaborative activity between researchers and the community to conduct joint research, formulate problems, develop problem-solving strategies, conduct continuous and sustainable actions. PAR is designed to conceptualize a change and make changes to it. Given the disaster is something that can not be separated in life, so the publics view of the issue of disaster should be changed. Also invite the community to be able to manage the disaster thoroughly both before, during and after the disaster. The shift in view from responsiveness to preventive, from government affairs to community participation, from multiple sector responsibilities to responsibilities of various sectors, and from coping with impacts to reducing risk. The result of this research and facilitation is the awareness of Depok Village community about DRR, the formation of Desa Tangguh Bencana as the transformation of Arisan RT group and the program plan on DRR efforts by Depok village government. So that the ideal disaster risk reduction (DRR) activities both at the central and regional levels according to Constitution Number 24 of 2007 on disaster management can be implemented in Depok Village. So create a community that is ready for alert and resilient to landslide disaster.

Disaster Risk Reduction; Landslide; Community Development

Disaster Management


Aktieva Tri Tjitrawati, Mohammad Tavip, Derry Krisna Susanto

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Aktieva Tri Tjitrawati

Faculty of Law - Universitas Airlangga

The territory of Republic Indonesia is laid on an area that is very prone to natural disasters and earthquakes, consequently hundreds of natural disasters and earthquake take place in Indonesia every year. This natural disasters cause Indonesia encounter with losses: people death, disappear, injury, displace, homeless, and the damage of public facilities. The extent to which their effects increase inherent inequalities in life and society is to a significant extent a question of how governments and humanitarian actors integrate human rights into their disaster preparedness and response. International human rights principles should become guidance for disaster risk management, including pre-disaster mitigation and preparedness measures, emergency and rehabilitation assistance, and reconstruction efforts. Adherence to international human rights standards will help ensure that the basic needs of victims or beneficiaries are met. The challenge often is how to apply these rules in an operational context. Additionally, this paper explore problems of human rights protection in natural disaster mitigation under Indonesian national regulation, focusing on the urgency of the implementation of human rights protection in disaster mitigation; and the epistemology of human rights protection related to disaster mitigation in Indonesia.

human rights; natural disaster; mitigation; Indonesia

Disaster Management


Impact disaster on inequality in West Java Province
Fryanto Anugrah Rhamdhani

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Fryanto Anugrah Rhamdhani

Graduated Indonesia University Of Education

The purpose of this research to examine impact of several disaster on inequality income in Regencies and Cities (West Java Province). West Java Province is one of 6 Province has highest gini ratio value in Java island. Inequality income not only caused by lack of income and employment sector but also disaster can contribute to inequality income. Especially region has vulnerability to occur varoious disaster included in west java province. We used gini ratio data and several disaster occuring (flood, landslide, drought, earthquake, tornado) data for 6 period (2011-2016) from BPS and BPNB. Tools of analysis used panel data (Cross section and Time Series). As result this research show tornado is one of all disaster can increase gini ratio. While flood, landslide, drought, earthquake not effect significantly on inequality income.

Inequality, Disaster and West Java Province

Disaster Management


Implementation of Early Warning System Silent Tsunami Information Management in the Tsunami in Banten

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The tsunami in the Sunda Strait on December 23 has killed around 430 people. There were no sirens heard in the cities and beaches to warn people before the deadly waves hit the coast. This tsunami was caused by the eruption of Mount Krakatau where the crater partially collapsed into the sea at high tide. The loss of life due to the eruption did not shake the seismic monitor significantly, and the absence of seismic signals that normally caused the tsunami caused the Indonesian geophysical agency (BMKG) to initially tweet that there was no tsunami. In fact, tidal monitors are not made to trigger tsunami warnings of non-seismic events. Because there was no seismic activity, the tsunami was not caused by an earthquake. Tsunami waves are not always preceded by tectonic earthquake activity. In fact, tsunamis can also be triggered by volcanic activity. Tsunami records that have occurred in Indonesia, 90 percent were generated by earthquakes, while 10 percent were generated by underwater landslides and volcanic eruptions. The approach taken in this study is qualitative and uses a case study method. Qualitative research is research that utilizes open interviews to examine and understand the attitudes, views, feelings, and behavior of individuals or groups of people. The results obtained from this study are expected to obtain communication channels between PVMBG and the BMKG related to the tsunami warning Early Warning System policy outside the existing system.


Disaster Management


Instagram and Ewom to purchase intantion and purchase decisions of culinary in bogor
Luthfiyatillah, Sitti Hamidah Mujahidah, Ririn Triratnasari

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Seyla Luthfiyatillah

Universitas Airlangga

This study aims to determine the direct effect of media instagram and Electronic word of mouth (E-wom) on Momomilk Restaurant-s consumer purchase decision. The research method used in this research is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), whereas data collection is done by distributing questionnaires to 110 consumers who have visited Momomilk Restaurant. The results of the questionnaire are tested using LISREL 8.72. The results show that The results show that the media instagram and Electronic word of mouth (E-wom) have a significant direct impact on consumer purchase intention. However, media instagram and Electronic Word of mouth (E-wom) have a significant indirect impact on purchasing decision. Based on this research that the variables of purchase intention mediation can give a significant influence on purchasing decision. This is evidenced by the results In the indicator purchase intention significant direct impact on purchasing decisions in Momomilk Restaurant.

Social Media Instagram, e-WOM (Electronic Word Of Mouth), Purchase intention, Purchase Decision.

Disaster Management


Alina Sari Hartono1, Sulikah Asmorowati2, Antun Mardiyanta3

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Alina Sari Hartono

Public Policy Master-s Degree Program, Airlangga University, City of Surabaya, Indonesia

As being represented by Dr. Iskak hospital, PSC has delivered Tulungagung Regency to received award in a world level government innovation competition. This district is considered successful in implementing emergency management that is able to reduce the mortality rate quite significantly. This paper outlines a framework for assessing the process of the innovation in regard of development sustainable city. This innovation start with modern emergency installation in Dr. Iskak Hospital called Instalasi Gawat Darurat Modern (Instagram) and Tulungagung Emergency Medical Service (TEMS) and finally integrated with several public institution whom incorporated in the system called Public Safety Center ( PSC ) which has been adopted by Indonesia Ministry Of Health and become the National Center Commander 119. This research uses qualitative method with descriptive approach. By an explanation from Stevels (1997), innovation management is described in three stages to monitor the PSC progress, including : Redesign - creating a new design based upon the current product by minimizing its technical problem, Product Alternative - formulating new concept or service to fulfil increasing and complex functional needs, System - designing systems for forward-looking and complex society demand. It indicates that the PSC has been proceeding to become a sustainable innovation because of its improvements process.

public safety center, sustaining innovation, smarter and safer city, innovation

Disaster Management


The Management Principle of Community Based Disaster Response Training in Pakis Sub-district Surabaya
Sendy Krisna Puspitasari (a*), Mustain (b)

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Sendy Krisna Puspitasari

a) Doctoral Program of Human Resource Development Postgraduate School of Universitas Airlangga, Campus B. Jl.Airlangga No.4-6, Surabaya, Indonesia
b)Faculty of Social Science and Political Science Universitas Airlangga, Campus B. Jl.Dharmawangsa Dalam, Surabaya, Indonesia

One of the Surabaya City Programs is able to build the institutional capacity of Disaster Resilient City so that the community is able to manage the potential disaster by independently and minimize the potential for disaster losses. The disaster management program is compiled and conducted the community based on comprehensive handling disasters model from emergence pre responding stage to post disaster actions. Disaster response training involves the participation of the community of Pakis sub-district obtained from Badan Penanggulangan Bencana dan Perlindungan Masyarakat (BPB Linmas) of Surabaya City. This research is to answer the question of how emergence pre responding stage to post disaster actions in the management of the principles of training in community based disaster risk management program already implemented. This research used qualitative method with the subject (informant) several employees of BPB Linmas Surabaya and community leaders. The results showed that the emergence pre responding stage to post disaster actions for the community of Pakis sub-district has implemented properly by planning. Thus, the mechanism of community-based disaster risk management has started well institutionalized in Surabaya community. So, need for socialization and training about disaster risk management and socialization of SOP into all levels of Surabaya community.

disaster response training, institutional capacity, disaster resilient city

Disaster Management


Village Based Disaster Risk Identification: Principal Component Analysis Approach
Muhammad Fazri (a*), Chalin Antinia Agustin (a)

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Muhammad Fazri

a) The Agencys Research and Development, Education and Training, and Information, Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration, Jakarta,12750, Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the countries with a high level of disaster risk. Based on the results of the 2013 Indonesian Disaster Risk Index (IRBI) published by BNPB there are 388 districts with high risk, while 109 districts have moderate risks. High level disaster of Indonesia can also be seen from the number of disasters. The results of BNPB mentioned 12.320 disasters occurred in Indonesia during 2011-2016. Recently, disaster identification is only limited to the district. The disaster risk index also has areas only to districts. Whereas in each village has different location characteristics so that disaster management cannot be equated. Therefore, this study attempts to look at the risk of disaster-prone at the village level. The data used is the 2018 Podes data by looking at the number of disaster events and also the number of fatalities in each village from 2015-2017. The method used uses an approach to analyze analysis through data exploration. In addition, it uses the quantitative method of the principal component of analysis to create an index that will classify a village as prone to disasters or not. The results of the identification show the number of villages experiencing disasters during 2015-2017 for landslides of 9.296; Flood 17.299; Banjir Bandang 1.670; Earthquake 9.247; Tsunami 12 Villages; Sea Tide Wave 1.587; Whirlwind 6.259; Vulcanic Eruption 585; Forest / Land Fires 4.067 and Droughts 8.214 Village. Whereas those with early warning are only around 6716 villages.

Disaster, Principal Component Analysis, Village

Disaster Management


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